Born from the
power of Big Dreams


If you've dreamed of becoming a published author, we're here to help!

Like much of the world, writing has changed dramatically in the last two decades. Getting anything published outside of the traditional model of literary agents and giant publishing houses used to be almost impossible.

These days, the major publishing companies known as The Big Five (Penguin Random House, Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, and Simon & Schuster) are only responsible for approximately 10-20% of new titles released in the US annually. Some estimates put the number of books published via these traditional routes at around 2.2 million. It sounds like a lot of books, and it is. But where are the other 80% or so coming from?

Smaller and niche publishing houses certainly have their share of the market, but over 300 million self-published books are released each year. Industry experts estimate that self-publishing accounts for 30-35% of new titles. Self-published works generate $1.25 billion in sales annually. We specialize in helping writers navigate the self-publishing process.

At Sparkle Licorice Publishing, we are dedicated to helping writers become authors using self-publishing tools such as Amazon KDP. We understand that the process can be complex and overwhelming, so we offer comprehensive services to coach, care for, and support authors at every stage of launching their work.

At Sparkle Licorice Publishing, we believe that the reading public deserves to make their own choices and shouldn't be limited to what a handful of people deem worthy of publication. We provide writers full rights to their work and offer a range of publishing packages so they can choose their personal best option.

Sparkle Licorice Publishing was born from the power of big dreams. If you've always dreamed of becoming a published author, we're here to help that dream come true.

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